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Maskargo Unveils ‘Tompok’ At Lima ‘11


LANGKAWI, 10 DECEMBER 2011 – The official mascot for MASkargo „Tompok‟ was unveiled at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2011.

‘Tompok’ is from a species known as the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis Nebulosa) or locally referred to as ‘Harimau Dahan’ and is an elusive animal which can be found throughout the jungles of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Indo-China and Myanmmar.

During the event, Mr. Areffin Ismail, the Ag. Manager of Corporate Communications said: “Using the Clouded Leopard as our mascot helps in the propagation of the importance of the preservation of its natural habitat.”