FSC Suspension Effective April 2024 
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GCEO meets team MASkargo


Seeking to inform the MASkargo Team with updates of The Business Plan,Group CEO, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya (AJ) alongside Dr. Hugh Dunleavy, Director of Commercial and MASkargo CEO, Mohd Yunus Idris addressed and shared challenges faced by the Malaysia Airlines Group and MASkargo – pointing out new initiatives for the coming quarter and shared the need for the Group in total to remain competitive in the current aviation market.

We must continuously improve our product not only on by buying new aircraft, but also at the customer touch points – right from the point of purchase all the way to baggage collection.

MASkargo is important to the Group. One of our key focus areas is to tap every possible avenue and subsidiary in the Group to bring in revenue as an ancillary business,” AJ told the approximately 150 staff assembled in the Multi Purpose Hall (MPH) located at the Advanced Cargo Centre building.

“I believe all of us are capable of taking on this challenge – we must pull ourselves together and remain focused,” he said. 

Entering the 7th cascade marathon, it was held on Friday, 5 October 2012 and is part of the GCEO’s office initiative to engage the staff at all levels by going out to meet divisional/subsidiary teams. 

Giving the team updates on the Commercial side of the business, Dr. Hugh stressed the importance of teamwork, being quick & nimble in order to remain competitive in the market place, being friendly and hassle-free when dealing with our key partners whom we must work with to bring in the revenue and the need for everyone to deliver quality and excellent service delivery.

Yunus was open and forthright with his team. He shared latest development on the cargo commercial front – asking everyone present as team leader, peers and team members, Yunus reiterated several times over for Team MASkargo to be quick, nimble and to do it right the first time, all the time, every single time.

At the question and answer session, the staff asked about the challenges faced by the industry and the Group’s medium to long term plan. All three leaders said while planning ahead was good, equally important was to proactively respond to current changes in the airline and aviation industry globally and regionally. While a majority of the questions were directed to AJ, both Hugh and Yunus responded to a few tough ones from the floor.  – Team Corporate Communications, MASkargo.