FSC Suspension Effective April 2024 
Temporary Embargo Restriction To Lhr Lifted, Effectively Immediately

Certified to handle 9 classes of dangerous goods as described under IATA regulations, our centre is able to cater for the handling of such goods from transportation, storage and handling of the necessary documentation.

We have been certified and licensed to handle the following Classes of Dangerous Goods:

  1. Explosives
  2. Gases
  3. Flammable Liquids
  4. Flammable Solids
  5. Oxidizing substances
  6. Toxic and infectious substances
  7. Radioactive material
  8. Corrosives
  9. Other miscellaneous items

DGR Booking
Dangerous goods carriage on MAS flights requires advance approval from our Corporate Affairs (Cargo), Dangerous Goods Control Unit. As such, bookings has to be made in advance i.e

  1. 3 full working days for DGR Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9
  2. 7 full working days for DGR Class 1 and 7
  3. Within working hours 0830 hrs to 1730 hrs, Mondays to Fridays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

Effective 1 January 2005, the minimum requirements for the IATA Training Curricula categories have been increased from 9 to 12 (Refer Table 1.5.A).

Freight Forwarders not involved in processing DGR would now required to be trained either under category 4 or category 5, whichever applicable. This includes all courier companies.

The validity of this training is 24 months and all training records must be maintained and be made available upon request to the appropriate national authority.

As of 1st April, 2003 MASkargo has appointed SGS , to conduct thorough pre-inspection of inner packaging in accordance to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation, prior to MH cargo acceptance ex KUL, for the safe transportation of restricted commodities by air.

Tariff structure covering the inspection, packaging and labeling of “Dangerous Goods” to IATA requirements covering following DG classifications:

  • Class 2 – Gases
  • Class 3 – Flammable Liquids
  • Class 4 – Flammable Solids, Substances Liable to Spontaneous Combustion; Substances Which, in Contact with Water, Emits Flammable Gases
  • Class 5 – Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxide
  • Class 6 – Toxic and Infectious Substances
  • Class 8 – Corrosives
  • Class 9 – Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

1.0 Inspection services for Malaysia Airlines flights only:
Full compliance of Dangerous Goods packaging RM 50.00
2.0 Other Services provided by SGS Dangerous Goods services:
a) Inspection and document handling plus DGD certificate/consignment RM 250.00
b) UN approved Fibreboard Box complete with absorbent filling material, cushioning and inner jacket:
i) Type X 5.8 Dim: 27 X 14 X 32 cm RM 60.00
ii) Type X 15 Dim 23 X 23 X 41 cm RM 80.00
iii) Type Y 24 Dim 33 X 33 X 37 cm RM 90.00
iv) Type X 43 Dim 59 X 39 X 50 cm RM 140.00
c) Absorbent filling material (vermiculite) / Kg RM 12.00
d) Other inner and outer packaging material at cost
e) Material Safety Data-sheet (1 set) RM 150.00
f) Decanting / Splitting of chemical RM 150.00
g) Crating at cost
h) UN approved Steel Drums at cost

This course introduces the various dangerous goods regulations and procedures that govern the safe air transportation of articles and substances with hazardous properties by relevant airfreight shippers and operators.

This is a mandatory course for shippers, cargo agents and airline cargo acceptance staff as per the ICAO Regulations and is applicable to all operational staff.

Five (05) days

Using Dangerous Goods Regulations, participants would be able to:

  • Explain the basis of the Regulations, Shippers’ and Operators’ responsibilities and training requirements.
  • Ascertain that certain Dangerous Goods are forbidden and some are restricted for air transport.
  • Apply the state and operator variations.
  • Identify the 9 Classes of dangerous goods and apply the principles of packing groups.
  • Outline the method used by Shippers to classify dangerous goods.
  • Identify the class and quantity limit per package of dangerous goods.
  • Apply the packing requirements.
  • Mark and label packages.
  • Complete the Shippers’ Declaration for Dangerous Goods and the Airwaybill.
  • Accept, handle and load dangerous goods.
  • Apply the general emergency procedures in the event of a dangerous goods accident or incident.

Lecture, group work, video tapes, written exercises

For further information on course details and registration, please contact:

Name Tel. No. Memoid Sita
Joseph Netto 7800-7432 NETTO KULMGMH

Mr. Joseph Netto

This course revisits the elements learned during the Dangerous Goods Regulations courses. ICAO requirements make it mandatory that this course be attended at least every 24 months by those who have already completed the Dangerous Goods Regulations course.

This course is applicable to the following:

  1. Participants who have successfully completed the 5-day Dangerous Goods Course.
  2. Relevant personnel are required to attend this course at least every 24 months as per the ICAO Regulations.

Two (02) days

At the end of the course, participants:

  • will know the changes in the regulations.
  • will have answers to outstanding issues/problems encountered in the handling of Dangerous Goods.

Lecture, group work, video tapes, written exercises

For further information on course details and registration, please contact:

NameTel. No.MemoidSita
Joseph Netto7800-7432NETTOKULMGMH

Mr. Joseph Netto

This course gives an overview of the meaning of Dangerous Goods and introduces various handling procedures for the safe handling of such goods.

This is a mandatory course for personnel in Grades A to E who are involved in the handling of cargo in the warehouse, loading of cargo in the aircraft, Passenger Check-in, Load Control and Security personnel.

One (01) day

Using the Dangerous Goods Regulations, participants would be able to:

  • Define dangerous goods.
  • Give examples of forbidden dangerous goods, hidden dangerous goods, dangerous goods allowed on passengers and dangerous goods allowed as cargo.
  • List the 9 classes of dangerous goods.
  • List some General Packing requirements.
  • Recognise DG markings and labels.
  • Explain storage and loading procedures.
  • Apply Emergency Procedures.
  • List the main documents involved in the carriage of dangerous goods.

Lecture, group work, video tapes, written exercises

For further information on course details and registration, please contact:

Name Tel. No. Memoid Sita
Joseph Netto 7800-7432 NETTO KULMGMH

Mr. Joseph Netto

To further enhance the safety of Dangerous Goods shipment, Malaysia Airlines has imposed the following conditions, with immediate effect.

  1. Absorbent Material“Sawdust” is no longer acceptable to be used as absorbent material.
    In all types of packaging, “Vermiculite” is to be used instead.

  2. Completion of Shipper’s Declaration
    • n.o.s. entry with the symbol * requires technical name
    • n.o.s. entry without the symbol * does not require technical name and nothing else should be stated after the n.o.s
    • Typo-error is not acceptable and all spelling is strictly to be based on IATA manual
    • As for quantity, both numeric and number in words is acceptable (eg. 1 or one). Same goes to the word box or boxes
    • MH-04 of MAS Variations is mandatory. The Emergency Response Information is to include the name of either Shipper/Chemist/Specialist with country and city code and available 24 hours

Name : Mohamed  Nasir Abdul Haniff
Tel No : +603 8777 1631
Fax No: +603 8783 3028
Email : [email protected]